The highly contagious agent is of the family FILOVIRIDAE, and genus Ebola virus. It was first discovered in ZAIRE, present day Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 1976 at YAMBUKU settlement near river Ebola after which the virus was named. There a five species out of which causes disease in man and primates. ZAIRE EBV, SUDAN EBV, Tai Forest EBV , Bundibuygo EBV and Reston EBV. The latter does not cause disease in man. Animal reservoirs are Bats and Monkeys mainly, with Dogs and Pigs possible candidates.
The virus can get to man through contact with these animal reservoirs and there excerpters. Transmission from Human to human can occur through close body contact with acutely ill person suffering from EBOLA, and through the body fluids such as URINE, FAECES, SPUTUM, VOMITUS, BLOOD and BLOOD PRODUCTS, SEMEN and VIGINAL DISCHARGES and PRICKS from NIDDLES already used by infected person. MOTHER TO CHILD TRANSMISSION. Health workers are particularly at risk during the management of cases.
The first was in 1976 in ZAIRE now DRC and Sudan.
- 2007 DRC and Uganda
- 2008 Sporadic cases in DRC and Sudan
- 2011/2012 in Uganda.
- 2014 in West Africa in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria.
In Nigeria as at Sunday 10th August, 2014 9 PEOPLE have been diagnosed of EBOLAL Heamorragic fever 8 of them are Nigerians. The index case a Liberian and one health worker had died Seven others are undergoing medical treatments. Case fatality in Nigeria is under 30%. In all 139 people have been exposed to various degree and are under surveillance with a few being quarantined.
There has not been any case of EBOLA HEAMORRAGIC FEVER DIAGNOSED. However in view of the proximity of Lagos to Osun State and high volume of Human traffic between the two states, Osun state according to the Honorable commissioner of Health Dr. Temitope Ilori has put in place a body to get the state ready in prevention, early detection and prompt response. It must be noted that this is the official sources and it is known that Nigeria has more unofficial and illegal cross-border routes than any West African country. The true figures of causalities and infected as well as the exposed person may not be known as at now.
The incubation period ranges from 2 to 21 days average being 8 -12 days.
Non-specific or Constitutional Symptoms : The symptoms are of sudden onset. FATIGUE, FEVER, MALAISES, JOINT and MUSCLE PAINS and Headaches. Others are loss of appetite, abdominal pains and vomiting. At this stage of the disease differential diagnosis include MALARIA, DENGUE FEVER and TROPICAL FEVER. Less commonly Typhoid FEVER and Other ENTERITIS.
BLEEDING STAGE: The disease rapidly progress to advance stages characterized by spontaneous bleeding both internally and external Presenting as petechea hemorreage, Red eyes and circulatory colaps.
During epidemic as we have now in West Africa. The diagnosis in mainly clinica, especially with history os travel from affected areas, history of contacts. Laboratory methods are by VIRAL ISOLATION or its protein particles using high thecnology such as PCR, ELIZER and e microscope. In Nigeria this is not yet readily available, blood and other specimen samples are send over sea and few may be processed at research centres.
The staff of Osun state University should take the following pieces of information and advice.
- Avoid exposure or contact, it is advised to suspend non-essential travel to areas already involved such as LAGOS in NIGERIA.
- Travels to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Ghana MAY be suspended until the epidemic is brought under control.
- USE of Protective dressing especially health workers.
- Hand Washing using soap or ASHES,
- Avoid crowded environments and if one must be in such environments one needs to use FACE MASK.
- Personal Hygiene is to be maintained at all times.
- In case of any FEVER report to the nearest health facilities.
In this regards PERSONATE APPEAL is hereby made to NIGERIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION to CALL-OFF the present industrial action and join in the efforts to combat the out-break of the EBOLA HEAMORRAGIC DISEASE IN THE COUNTRY.
- WHO 2014.
- Cdc Atlanta USA Travel advice to American citizens 4TH August 2014.
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- FMH Nig. 2014.
- Osun State MOH 2014.